Selasa, 20 November 2007

Parangtritis Exotic Beach in Java Indonesia

Parangtritis, besides recognized by its coastal natural beauty, is famous also as place which of various fossil. Area Parangtritis consisted of Coast Parangtritis, Parangkusumo, and Plateau Gembirowati. In Parangkusumo there are hot water bath pool brim stone believed can heal various disease in. This pool is met and looked after by Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII. Existence area of crafting/ diligence cockle, hotel have International level to Queen Of South , and also dogcart in Parangtritis follow glorious of tourism in this region. this area is reachable through two band, First band through bridge Kretek, secondary through Imogiri and Siluk . Location in Countryside Parangtritis, Kec.Kretek more or less 27 Km from Yogyakarta southerly. Inclusive of this area : Petilasan Parangkusumo, Bath Parangwedang, Mausoleum Syeh Maulana; Magribi, Mausoleum Syeh Advocate Belu, Mausoleum Ki Ageng Selohening, Fish Auction Place TPI Depok, Sand Dune Barchan Attraction / Event Wisata Ceremony Pisungsung Jaladri Bekti Nation, Uparaca Labuhan Alit Kraton Ngayogyakarta,; Labuhan Hondodento, Celebration Peh Cun, Pilgrimage of Monday night of Kliwon Friday Kliwon and, Artistic Title of Night 1 Suro, Artistic Stage of Culture First Day Of Idulfitri And Vacation , Kite Festival, Coastal Volley
Coast Baron the located coast 65 kilometre from town Yogyakarta Via Wonosari this is often utilized by all adolescent to be cross country and camp. . Coast Baron represent bay flanked by green hill wall fulfilled by coconut tree. Do not far from this place there are fish market selling fresh fish cookery various delicious type. Travell to coast Baron can stop by to coast; Kukup, because coast Baron and coastal of Kukup represent one link. Coastal distance is Baron